TheWongDogs Greeting
    Greetings From The Wong Dogs - The Wong Dogs chronicle the lives of Cory the Miniature Schnauzer and Cole the Singapore Special where they review the coolest places and their choice picks straight from the pet store. Previously a writer for one of Singapore's leading pet publications, The Wong Dogs is the best way to further his passion by jumping onto social media without the shackles of advertising clients. Every review is NOT PAID and is in the opinion of the writer himself. Why should you care about what is written here? Simple - the lives of The Wong Dogs and their friends rock! Let the journey begin...



    Official Photographer - Bernard Wee
    Offical Groomer: Awesome Pawsome
    Fetch-Box Singapore

    Treat Of The Week – Basic Instinct Spare Ribs

    Apologies on the post being late! As such, The Wong Dogs will be doing two Treat Of The Week reviews this week! :p

    Deemed one of Singapore’s first chewies, Basic Instinct  is readily available in pet stores around the island. Many experienced pet owners I know have personal experience with Basic Instinct Spare Ribs, recounting positive instances of excited pooches listening to every command before they are dished out a rib.

    Besides being a good chewing exercise for Fido, it can act as a sort of dental care for their tooth, helping to remove trapped bits of particles stuck between their canines: preventing plaque which can result in gum disease.

    Processed in New Zealand (where one of the highest levels of food safety exists), Basic Instinct Spare Ribs are considered all-natural and contain none of the following – preservatives, artificial flavourings, colourings, steroids and antibiotics. 

    The Wong Dogs Review
    While Cory has had experience with Basic Instinct Spare Ribs a couple of years ago, Cole was on another brand previously. I was a little hesitant in purchasing a pack for Cory as this Miniature Schnauzer got a little spoiled last year and would carry around a rib whining for attention. With the addition of Cole to the household, I wondered if it would be any different.

    Well, it seems with my Singapore Special in the house, dear Cory seems to appreciate his treats a little more and tends to finish them off instead of leaving them around. 

    One of the reasons why this is such a great option as compared to baked biscuits is the amount of energy they spend gnawing on these bones. I usually get a good five to 10 minutes of me-time with another 15 to 20 minutes of them relaxing out after a good chew. Hey, that shows they are satisfied, right? Though it is mentioned above that it can be a sort of dental care, it is still advisable to brush your dog’s teeth everyday.

    Basic Instinct Spare Ribs is mighty affordable with the 200g bag going for $10.80 while the 500g bag retailing at $26. The best part, they last quite awhile! Unless you give your dog more than one a day, these treats are perfect for the pet owner on a budget but still looking for quality treats that suit their precious furkid.

    Also, did we mention they smell quite good? Such is the privileged life of our pets.

    Basic Instinct Spare Ribs is distributed by Silversky and is sold in most pet stores. For more information, visit their Facebook page here.

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    "Treat Of The Week – Basic Instinct Spare Ribs" was Posted On: Sunday, 3 August 2014 @21:31 | 0 Wong comments

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