TheWongDogs Greeting
    Greetings From The Wong Dogs - The Wong Dogs chronicle the lives of Cory the Miniature Schnauzer and Cole the Singapore Special where they review the coolest places and their choice picks straight from the pet store. Previously a writer for one of Singapore's leading pet publications, The Wong Dogs is the best way to further his passion by jumping onto social media without the shackles of advertising clients. Every review is NOT PAID and is in the opinion of the writer himself. Why should you care about what is written here? Simple - the lives of The Wong Dogs and their friends rock! Let the journey begin...



    Official Photographer - Bernard Wee
    Offical Groomer: Awesome Pawsome
    Fetch-Box Singapore

    Over The Horizon

    "For The Wong Dogs, Thursdays are best described as viewing the weekend arriving too slowly over the horizon. Yet when it arrives, it disappears as fast as any beautiful sunset. But what is the difference when you own a dog you truly love and cherish? The days are made easier because you know you are never truly alone. There is always that spark, that earnest look and that assurance that whatever happens, things will turn out alright. They have to be."

    "Over The Horizon" was Posted On: Thursday 17 July 2014 @00:04 | 0 Wong comments

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