TheWongDogs Greeting
    Greetings From The Wong Dogs - The Wong Dogs chronicle the lives of Cory the Miniature Schnauzer and Cole the Singapore Special where they review the coolest places and their choice picks straight from the pet store. Previously a writer for one of Singapore's leading pet publications, The Wong Dogs is the best way to further his passion by jumping onto social media without the shackles of advertising clients. Every review is NOT PAID and is in the opinion of the writer himself. Why should you care about what is written here? Simple - the lives of The Wong Dogs and their friends rock! Let the journey begin...



    Official Photographer - Bernard Wee
    Offical Groomer: Awesome Pawsome
    Fetch-Box Singapore

    Treats Of Creativity - Feed My Paws

    With this dreary weather, it can only mean one thing, sharing The Wong Dog's latest finds - meaning what Cory and Cole have been munching on! Let’s hope these two rascals keep their weight down with all the exercise I am giving them! 

    This time, the boys received a fabulous care package from the up-and-coming Feed My Paws! Owner and professional dog sitter, Crystle Tan made it a point to ask which of her many treats and cakes would suit the boys. I ended up quite a haul. She explains that this is simply due to the well-being of every pet, “Every item on the menu is typically made-to-order.”

    Starting Feed My Paws in November last year, Tan had a head start in her cooking skills when she had to prepare home-cooked meals for pets with different nutritional needs every day. “My customers were very happy to see the difference the meals made to the lifestyle of their pets,” she says. Soon, her customers were taking orders from her and that encouraged Tan to go into this full time.

    Delivery day came and Tan made sure the boys had something extra special! An extra packet of Beef Lungs and pup cakes were added to the mix!

    Cory and Cole’s sampling platter:

    1. Little Carrots Biscuits (From $10.00)
    Who knew that carrots treats could look this good? Adding in Manuka honey for a boost of antioxidants, it is a guilt-free moment every time I dished one out for good behaviour.

    2. Mighty Milk Animal Cookies (From $14.00)
    It is a zoo out there! These are almost too cute to let the boys chomp everything down! Using lactose-free cow’s and goat’s milk, these are easy to digest. Insisting on using organic produce, these Might Milk Animal Cookies also contains organic brown rice flour and coconut oil.

    3. Organic Mini Cupcakes (Set of four for $9.80)
    It is going to get messy! But can you blame the boys when they smelt so fragrant? With ingredients brown rice, carrots, pumpkin, sweet potato among others, you can also choose from a variety of meats such as Beef, Salmon, Pork and Chicken.

    4. Pork and Apple Cinnamon Cookies (From $12.00)
    If I love the fragrance of pork and apple cinnamon combined, can you imagine how much more the boys will enjoy it? Well, the sure did by running away from me to enjoy these relatively large biscuits in their own quiet corner.

    5. Beef Lungs (From $10.00)
    Trust me, from personal experience, making this is no easy task! But Tan has managed to perfect the process which took 15 hours to prepare! Looking at the speed the boys devour these portions each time, I doubt they truly know how much work went into it!

    Tan assures me that all her produce are 100 percent natural and uses human-grade ingredients. She is so serious that there is even a furry panel of judges who have tried and tested every recipe before she puts it up for sale. “In fact, I think they are sometimes a little too honest!” she laughs. Though I did not pry, I suspect these picky judges are none other than Hoovy, a 12-year-old Chihuahua and Skotch a six-year-old Pomeranian. “Skotch was a very sickly pup when he was one and half years and we made countless visits to the vet. Skin issues, diarrhoea and vomiting and even a viral infection,” she explains. Upon the advice of her vet, she started cooking for Skotch and he has been healthy ever since.

    Her quirky creations are inspired by the very things she eats and said her dogs staring at her each time was the starting point to everything, “You know how it is, when you eat something and they never stop staring?” To ensure that all the food produced is nutritionally balanced, she seeks the advice through veterinarian friends who informs her the best ingredients to use.

    Feed My Paws is also about giving back to the community. Tan does her best to work closely with a number of dog shelters here in Singapore. “I always appreciate playing their dogs and watching them chomp down on their treats is one of the best feelings in the world!” she says. Tan has big plans for Feed My Paws and hopes that in time to come, it will become a household name for furkids on our little red dot, “I would like people to think of our dog treats that are not only healthy but adorable and fun. With a successful business, it also means I can contribute even more to our local shelters and I am definitely looking forward to that.”

    For more information, you can visit their Facebook page here.

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    "Treats Of Creativity - Feed My Paws" was Posted On: Tuesday 29 July 2014 @21:26 | 0 Wong comments

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