TheWongDogs Greeting
    Greetings From The Wong Dogs - The Wong Dogs chronicle the lives of Cory the Miniature Schnauzer and Cole the Singapore Special where they review the coolest places and their choice picks straight from the pet store. Previously a writer for one of Singapore's leading pet publications, The Wong Dogs is the best way to further his passion by jumping onto social media without the shackles of advertising clients. Every review is NOT PAID and is in the opinion of the writer himself. Why should you care about what is written here? Simple - the lives of The Wong Dogs and their friends rock! Let the journey begin...



    Official Photographer - Bernard Wee
    Offical Groomer: Awesome Pawsome
    Fetch-Box Singapore

    Pawlicious - Only Dogs Are Fed

    “It all started with that one advertisement for moon cakes. Dog-friendly moon cakes to be exact” – Bryan Wong

    Yup, it is true! And to this day, I am still amazed at their ingenuity.

    But that time will come again later this year. For now, it is a visit to Pawlicious’s spankin’ new location at 100 Turf Club Road. Previously crammed beside a pet shop at Serangoon, this pet bakery now includes an alfresco seating area and a humungous wall painting. Also, I love how that Cory and Cole have an expansive dog run behind the bakery for them to run their hearts out!

    Special mention goes to the work of art that greets you when you arrive. The wall painting took three days to complete, each session lasting four to five hours. “I did my first wall painting of Bully, my English Bull Terrier at our first locale. As such, I got ambitious s and decided on the current one (that now includes my other furkids Olly and Milly) when I spotted the new wall here in Bukit Timah,” says owner Jaster Ngui. She tells me that Pawlicious has been searching for a bigger place and when Animal World’s landlord approached them, they decided to take the plunge.

    Along with her boyfriend, Pawlicious was started in March 2013. Before that, Jaster had been crafting meals for her furkids for about nine years. For someone who did not start off with any culinary skills, this was quite a feat. “I never knew I could cook and bake until I decided to make some cookies and home-made meals for my first English Bull Terrier, Bully when she turned two,” says Jaster. With her experiments going well, this budding chef for furkids stopped feeding her kibbles and took her canine’s meals into her own hands. “We also decided to stop feeding kibbles and commercial products after reading some horrid stories that came from those stuff,” she adds.

    Before you think that Pawlicious is just your run-of-the-mill pet bakery that plays on your precious feelings for your furkid to own a quick buck, think again. Extremely particular about every ingredient used, Jaster says that her business is pretty much a health-conscious bakery with the exclusion of many ingredients, “We definitely do not use salt, sugar, butter, artificial flavours and colourings.” Even the flour is different – unlike the conventional version which have bleached agents, Pawlicious uses natural alternatives such as whole wheat unbleached flour and organic brown rice flour among others. “Our organic flour is from Origins and comes in 1kg packs. These also means that we CONSTANTLY HAVE FRESH FLOUR FOR OUR BAKES,” she says.

    With such assurance at hand, it is no wonder that I tend to overbuy whenever this pet-friendly bakery sets up their booth at the many doggie events they attend. But can you blame me?

    Here are my top 5 buys whenever I fork out the cash

    1. PurpleBerry Bones and Blueberry & Strawberry Cookies ($6.00 per 100g)
    With such bright colours, I am sold immediately!
    Purple wheat is used to give the purplish colour and is known to be high in anti-oxidants such as Vitamin C and E and are similar to those found in blueberries and bilberries. In addition, cranberris are added and this tiny, yet powerful fella is packed with vitamins and anti-oxidants that are known to prevent urinary tract and bladder infections.

    2. Charcoal Bones ($6.00 per 100g)
    You heard me right – CHARCOAL!
    However, Jaster tells me that using activated charcoal is nothing extraordinary, “I have seen charcoal bread for humans at bakeries and a quick search on the Internet showed that it is good for our furkids too!” These can help the intestinal tract stay healthy by absorbing bacteria in the stomach that causes flatulence. Also, who knew that this could help with bad breath too?

    3. Porky Bones, Salmon Bones or Beef Bones ($6.50 per 100g)
    Delicious without the guilt if you ask me. 
    Pork and beef liver is used for Porky Bones and Beef Bones as it is a nutrient-rich organ that provides, protein, fat and vitamin A. Green peas are added for a boost of Vitamin B, Phosphorous and Potassium and to finish off, a healthy dose of parsley which not only does wonders for doggie breath but helps soothe kidneys and is a rich surce of anti-oxidant nutrients, beta-carotene and Vitamin C. Salmon Bones on the other hand provide a good source of healthy fats that support the immune system and has been known to keep skin and coat in peak condition.

    4. Pawsicle ($3.50 per piece for Classic and $4.50 for Premium)
    Can a dog’s life get any better??
    There are so many combinations! And to be honest, do our dogs really mind when they lose their minds while chomping on these beauties? Also, can you bear to buy JUST ONE?

    5. Baked Pasta (prices start from $8.90)
    More than just treats, these full-on meals will keep those bellies full for quite a while.
    Choice meats such as salmon, tuna and beef are available. To add a dash of colour, I noticed pumpkin, French beans, carrot and cheese were thrown into the mix.

    But all these pale in comparison to Pawlicious’s one-of-a-kind cakes! Described as “bold, creative and crazy” by Jaster herself, we have to agree! It is no wonder that these are extremely popular, with 40-50 sold every month! Now, any ideas which towering cake I should get for Cory’s 3rd birthday?

    For the latest updates, do visit Pawlicious Facebook page.
    For more information, head over to their website here.

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    "Pawlicious - Only Dogs Are Fed" was Posted On: Wednesday 23 July 2014 @21:45 | 0 Wong comments

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