TheWongDogs Greeting
    Greetings From The Wong Dogs - The Wong Dogs chronicle the lives of Cory the Miniature Schnauzer and Cole the Singapore Special where they review the coolest places and their choice picks straight from the pet store. Previously a writer for one of Singapore's leading pet publications, The Wong Dogs is the best way to further his passion by jumping onto social media without the shackles of advertising clients. Every review is NOT PAID and is in the opinion of the writer himself. Why should you care about what is written here? Simple - the lives of The Wong Dogs and their friends rock! Let the journey begin...



    Official Photographer - Bernard Wee
    Offical Groomer: Awesome Pawsome
    Fetch-Box Singapore

    Treat Of The Week - Absolute Plus Coconut Oil for Pets

    A couple of months ago, I started to realise that Cole was having extremely flaky skin. Each scratch saw his black coat covered in flakes of snow-like dandruff. Even the vet-approved shampoo made the situation worse and I was desperate for a solution. After getting opinions from a couple of friends and pet food nutritionists, I was introduced to the idea of feeding him coconut oil to alleviate Cole’s symptoms.

    Cole's jet-black coat at the side.

    With coconut oil being a rich source of medium chain essential fatty acids, his skin started becoming more moisturised and his coat gleamed like never before. A side effect was also the absence of what I would like to call “big dog smell” and I kept thinking he did not need a bath (though after two weeks, he sure needed one). Upon the advice from a couple of dog breeders, I also started applying it to his coat and the compliments to how Cole looked was endless. It was also during this time that I realised many homemade pet treats and bakeries also added coconut oil into their products.

    As for Cory, this little tyke has somewhat of a weak stomach, puking once in a while. But after being fed coconut oil for two weeks, he has not vomited since.

    There have also been claims that coconut oil reduces the risk of cancer but have not been fully researched yet. Some experts have also told me that coconut oil is ideal in boosting a dog’s metabolism and keeping their weight under control. However, a couple of veterinarians advise against giving more than the recommended dosage as it could result in unhealthy weight gain - especially for inactive dogs.


    Okay, this is not really a treat where I can decide when to give the boys. I truly believe that coconut oil should supplement a dog’s meal. With so many benefits, it is hard to withhold it from them – especially when they get so excited during meal times.

    Cory and Cole recently started their daily intake of Absolute Plus Coconut Oil for Pets from B2K Pet Products and I can definitely say in the case of Cole, he is more excitable for his meals now. Yes, that bugger of a Singapore Special has a slightly spoiled streak and has been known to reject dry food when he is not in the mood.  Due to the weather, I also realised a couple of hot spots on Cole which disappeared in a day when I applied Absolute Plus Coconut Oil for Pets. 

    Besides the expected gleaming coat and better digestion, I used the coconut oil to moisturise both Cory and Cole's paws due to them walking onpavements more often than soft grass. 

    A side effect I realised is Cory being more agile than usual. Due to his minor limb issues, he tends to “rabbit hop” now and then. A little research unveiled that coconut oil is able to alleviate certain cases of arthritis and could possibly have contributed to his recent level of activeness.

    Unlike their previous bottle of coconut oil, Absolute Plus’s contains raw virgin coconut oil, cold-pressed and 100% organic. This means I have ease of mind that Absolute Plus Coconut Oil is a rich and premium choice which has not been bleached, deodorised or refined. Also, it being cold-pressed allows the coconut oil to be produced via a heat-controlled environment, allowing it to retain the nutritional benefits which are otherwise compromised due to high temperatures.

    For more information on where you can buy Absolute Plus Organic Coconut Oil for Pets, click on the picture below:

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    "Treat Of The Week - Absolute Plus Coconut Oil for Pets " was Posted On: Friday 18 July 2014 @00:42 | 0 Wong comments

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