TheWongDogs Greeting
    Greetings From The Wong Dogs - The Wong Dogs chronicle the lives of Cory the Miniature Schnauzer and Cole the Singapore Special where they review the coolest places and their choice picks straight from the pet store. Previously a writer for one of Singapore's leading pet publications, The Wong Dogs is the best way to further his passion by jumping onto social media without the shackles of advertising clients. Every review is NOT PAID and is in the opinion of the writer himself. Why should you care about what is written here? Simple - the lives of The Wong Dogs and their friends rock! Let the journey begin...



    Official Photographer - Bernard Wee
    Offical Groomer: Awesome Pawsome
    Fetch-Box Singapore

    The Sun And The Pool: Swimming at Sunny Heights

    Cory and Cole has not been swimming for a while now. It was not till their furry buddy, Sam Forrest LooLim posted pictures of their latest watery escape that it was high time to get these boys on a hydro-work out again. Besides the dog park, an hour at the dog swimming pool knocks them out for a good two days!

    So, why did the boys fall out of habit? Cole had a serious bout of dandruff issue earlier in the year which upon the advice of the vet, said he should abstain from swimming for a period of time I was just not impressed with many of the dog swimming pools, service and cleanliness-wise.

    So imagine my excitement when I realised Sunny Heights (previously named K9 Kulture) had renovated the pool into looking quite classy. In my opinion, certainly one of the better-looking (and cleaner) swimming pools for dogs in Singapore.

    Derrick Tan, Head of Operations at Sunny Heights say the place was really old when they first took over and it took a lot of planning to get the place to start looking decent, “The unkempt state of the pool had many people complaining about its set up. In addition, we faced a couple of challenges during renovation as we had to source for the right materials that would beuaitfy the place, while brainstorming for what was comfortable for both pet and owner.”

    Early reviews of the place have been positive and many have commented on the set up and improvements made to Sunny Heights.

    But, how will Cory and Cole like the place?

    Sunny Heights’s pool for dogs is quite the sight to behold as compared to a couple of months ago. Besides the cannot-miss water features added, pet owners will love the introduction of sun beds and a gazebo which offer a relaxed environment and shelter from extreme weather conditions.

    The Wong Dogs love how both swimming pools have been re-tiled, giving it a refreshing look to visitors who had to bear with cement flooring for the past few years. However, please be careful when threading through the water. Even though they have been treated with anti-slip solution, I found myself almost falling face-first into the water a couple of times.

    Of course, how can we miss out the fun-looking water features that have been added? To date, these have only been seen at children’s pools in Singapore and is really eye-catching for first-time visitors. 

    Cory seem to love playing or swimming through the jets of water (it is really cute seeing him manoeuvre through each feature.

    However, Cole took a while getting used to them. At one point, he refused to go past the shower feature though he eventually did with a little coaxing.

    Though the service was not in use when we visited, The Wong Dogs was intrigued by the Z9000 Dog Wash, a mobile rinse for pets! For a small price, dog owners can now choose to bathe their dogs after their swim instead of just hosing them down. Besides the typical shampoo and conditioner rinse, options such as Flea & Tick rinse and Blow Dry are also available!

    This is just the start. Besides plans to add another gazebo, the people at Sunny Heights are looking to introduce night swimming though the scheduled start of this service has yet to be confirmed. “This is to cater to pet owners who are busier in the day. Allowing swimming at night will definitely see many more people coming with their furkids,” says Derrick.

    Night swimming? Count me in!

    For now, here are more pictures. Enjoy!

    Operating hours
    Mondays to Fridays – 1pm to 6pm

    Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays – 1pm to 630pm
    For more information, visit their Facebook page here.

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    "The Sun And The Pool: Swimming at Sunny Heights" was Posted On: Friday 19 September 2014 @02:13 | 0 Wong comments

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